Friday, June 28, 2013

Stool Makeover

I had a plain wooden stool that I used in my classroom and decided it need a makeover.
I stuck with my color scheme, so I painted the top white and then taped off a chevron pattern using frog tape.

I then painted my grey paint over the white. I let the paint dry over night and then peeled the tape off. It looked pretty good, but I had to do a few touch ups.

I thought it might be idea to put some kind of sealer, so I got out the handy dandy Mod Podge. 

After the Mod Podge dried, it was spray paint time. I used a black gloss spray paint to spray the stool legs. I taped off the top part of the stool so I wouldn't have any black paint on the seat of the stool. 

I didn't have quite enough spray paint, so I thought I could add some more color to the spoke part. I had some scrap paper and decided to Mod Podge it on! 

I am so excited about the way it turned out! 


  1. Your stool turned out super cute! I have two ugly green stools in my classroom. Maybe I should do a stool makeover myself. :-)


  2. Thanks! Have fun making your stools pretty! Post a picture when you are finished!

  3. Looooove the stool! I am totally going to give my stool a makeover! Thanks for the great idea!

  4. This turned out really cute. Did it take a long time to tape off a chevron pattern? Great idea - thanks for sharing.

    Teaching Tidbits and More With Jamie

    1. Thanks! It didn't take too long. Probably around 30 minutes or so.
